Shipping Analytics

Analyze, Iterate, Improve

Gain critical insights across your entire network from carriers to origins to systems of record to help continuously improve fulfillment performance.

Shipping Analytics

Power of the Platform

Pair insights and execution within the same system for a new set of superpowers

Unique to the Platform

The same technology powering the best shipping solutions out there, like Carrier Selection and Fulfillment Engine, powers your reporting and analytics modules

Integrated Internal Data

Both standardized and custom datasets are deeply integrated into our shipping analytics dashboards, meaning you can see metrics and insights you can't get with other tools

Centralize with External Data

Ingest external data through any format like API, EDI or Flat File and merge with internal platform data for a holistic and centralized view of your shipping operations

Easy to Start, Easy to Scale

Choose from several pre-configured product modules, or build your own dashboards with our team

Core insights are immediately available through base modules, like carrier performance, but work with our team to help craft dashboards unique to your business needs.

On Time Delivery

Delivery Performance Reporting

Understand speed and performance across your entire network.

  • Reports surface OTD% along with many more performance metrics
  • Filter reports based carriers, modes, origins, and more
Cost per Package

Shipment Cost Breakdown Reporting

Understand shipping cost trends across your entire network.

  • Cost-per-package base reports, plus other cost metrics
  • Slice and dice based on carrier, mode, orign, timeframe, and more
Decision Support

Decision Visibility Reporting

Understand the how and why of your shipping operations.

  • Rate shopping reports give insights on selection
  • Label reports give you details on execution
Build your own

Build Your Own

Work with our team to customize reports to your unique needs.

  • Leverage unique platform data paired with your external sources
  • Rich set of visualizations availabel to customize
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Want to see how Shipium works?

Schedule a demo. Our team is happy to answer any questions or provide you an example of our capabilities.